Friday, April 25, 2014

; dreams actually talk

Even though days seem to pass quickly, they don’t. Time is a bipolar thing, it can be either on your side or against you, it depends on many things but mostly on circumstances. I don’t think coincidences actually happen, I’m not sure they don’t exist but that’s what I choose to believe, maybe it’s my faith what interferes in the way I perceive such events.

I wrote in my very first post that I was really inspired to make a big change but in order to do that I needed some time to think and interiorize some thoughts, I think it has taken more time than I expected, but it’s totally worth it. Now I can feel how my actions slowly start to shape this new me. I’m just letting go, letting things flow… 

Is it all about letting go? I’m not quite sure, I’ve had a feeling about this one thing I just can’t ignore. It’s like you know, this little voice inside your head telling you what to do, the problem is that what the voice tells me doesn’t seem like the rational thing to do, even though my heart thinks it’s right… I’m not gonna lie, it even feels right. Maybe I’m just afraid that I might fuck things up. 

I’ve been kind of struggling with a situation that’s beyond my hands, and I’ve been even dreaming about it, I’m beginning to think that maybe is a signal for me to do something about it; however, I’m willing to keep my senses wide open, I know the answers will come sooner or later. In the meantime, I’ll occupy myself in what I’ve been doing all this time: taking care of myself, and making every effort to keep the track of my happiness.

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